Monday, October 25, 2010


This weekend, I learned how to breathe... the real breathing though, the transforming one, the one that creates life between birth and death. A 3-day seminar... for me a real camp... a camp where I could just be with myself, and dive into myself... With many others but alone... I contemplated for wholeness, and wished just to be, only to be.

What a tranquil, what a serene state it was. Reaching the universal consciousness is possible just by breathing right. I had experienced re-birth when I had my son in my arms 5 years ago. And I had the 3rd one the last day of the seminar, last Sunday. I've always been in touch with my inner voice; however, to travel to my core (öz) was definitely this one.

Now, I am completely aware that I'm a being who emits vibration and light. I know that it will take time and practice to internalize all of this, but now I know why I'm here, why I'm as I am, and why everything is as they are supposed to be. I owe all of it to my guides of transformational breathing:

Friday, October 1, 2010

thus spoke Oz !

Ozmology is a platform where I share my thoughts about various matters… Mostly commenting on issues that are bothersome to me, or hilariously ironic, or joyfully awesome. As many of us, I am trying to make sense of our existence and sharing my light about the cosmic order.
 I am not sure if my words are as strong as my art but nevertheless, when information comes to me to be shared, I can't hold still without sharing it. I know that I'm an intermediary soul to illuminate some others' paths which I did many times. Leave me a comment here if I touched your soul in a positive way, too.